How To Keep Yourself Accountable In Your Diet

How To Keep Yourself Accountable In Your Diet

Hey, Hunter Grindle here from In today’s video, I’m going to show you how to keep yourself accountable when it comes to nutrition. We talk about exercise a lot. Yes, that’s important, but when you’re talking about weight loss and really making changes in your body as far as losing weight, losing fat, nutrition is by far the most important thing. It’s very hard to keep yourself accountable as you know, and if you haven’t developed the right habits, you’re going to have a hard time to start cutting things out.

One thing you can do is find someone. Find a mentor or find someone who knows a little bit about nutrition, about eating healthy. Every time you go out to eat or go to the grocery store, I want you to save your receipt, and I want you to send that person a screenshot of your receipt. That way they can look at it. They can be, “All right, I saw you got the Twinkies. I saw you got all the bad stuff,” or, “Oh, I saw you got some vegetables here.” That’s just a good way of keeping yourself accountable.

I hope you like that tip. If you’d like to see more free tips or videos like this, I’ve got tons of them. Just go ahead, go to link at the end of this video. At the [inaudible 00:01:19] end of the video, I’m also going to give you my seven-day free Jump Start challenge. That’s just going to give you … Each day in your email, you’re going to get a motivational tip, nutritional tip, and a daily exercise for you. I know it’s hard to get started working out, but you go to that link. You’re going to get that for free right to your email. I’m going to help you get started and get that momentum going.

I hope you like this video, and I’ll talk to you soon. Take care. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!
